wondtacular teacher

Every so often that one special, ‘wondtacular’ teacher comes along. We all remember the person that motivated us to excel in even the most difficult of subjects.  These teachers go above and beyond the curriculum and textbooks to really engage their students and make a real difference. Think you’re one of them? Teaching English as a foreign language, how many of these traits do you have?

  • Imagination and creativity are a must. This particular type of teacher is constantly inspired by their environment. Whether it be a TV commercial, their colleague, or a simple walk in the park; they use fresh methods to inspire their students and come up with exciting ways to deliver their material and to make it enjoyable for their students.
  • They can “shift-gears” at any point in the class. Even seasoned teachers can find that their lesson plan isn’t working for the students. Maybe that day the overall energy of the class is low or the dynamics just don’t fit with what the lesson is about. A wondtacular teacher can turn this around by being intuitive to the students needs. They are constantly learning and understand what works and doesn’t for their students.
  • They have respect for their students. The teacher in a classroom is the role model and leader, so it’s important that the teacher listens to everyone’s ideas and opinions and values them. This will show students that they are safe to express themselves in class and will make the environment welcoming for all students. This is key when teaching English as a foreign language and ensuring that the students are confident speaking up and even making those dreaded mistakes!
  • They know how to set high expectations for all students. A wondtacular teacher knows that the expectations that are set for the students greatly affect their achievement. Students usually give their teacher as much or as little as is expected from them. The teacher has to be clear with what they expect from their students.
  • An engaging personality and teaching style. A warm, enthusiastic and approachable teacher will have a rapport with their students, which is imperative to be able to engage students and hold their attention throughout the whole discussion.
  • They have effective discipline skills. When it comes to teaching children, for example, good classroom management is the core to establishing a good learning environment. The key to this is patience and kindness, as well as knowing when to enforce rules. Even in small groups, the teacher must always be able to control the flow of conversation and the subject.

We all would like to be that teacher that people remember as being ‘wondtacular’. If you are looking to improve your classroom skills, refine your language skills or just to learn how to better communicate, TtMadrid hosts weekly professional development courses to help you to be a better teacher. For more information email helen@lets.education.