8 Things That Happen When You Return To the States After Living In Spain

When I first ventured to Spain in September 2011 to teach English, I had absolutely no idea what I was in for. My international travel experience was minimal at best and none of those trips included Europe. Over the last 3.5 years I´ve fallen in love with Spain and its culture. I actually didn´t realize how much so in fact until I went home for a visit after my first year. To say I had a bit of a culture shock would be a huge understatement! I´ve now gotten used to most things but these still stick out.  Whether it’s for 2 weeks at Christmas or a permanent move, I promise you will notice these differences the moment you’re back!

1. You must suppress your automatic need go in for ‘Dos Besos’(2 kisses) when meeting someone new which usually results in an awkwardly delayed handshake.

2. Tapas entitlement is a real thing. The disappointment you feel when no free tasty snack comes with your 6 dollar beer is deep.

3. You’re not sure what to do with yourself when the bars close at 2:30am. The European partying till well into the next day has ruined you for life. (Guess I´ll just go home and watch Netflix then….)

4. Jetting off to Paris, Berlin, or Rome for the weekend for 50 euro on Ryanair just doesn´t happen anymore.


5. Understanding all of the conversations going on around you will both excite and overwhelm you. Gone are the days when you could say anything you wanted in public because you knew no one understood you.

6. All of your friends & family envy your sweet new European wardrobe.

7. You immediately want to recreate every dish you learned how to make for your family….Tortilla de Patatas, Anyone?

8. You miss your Spanish friends but you are so excited for them to visit you so that you can show them your country!

If it all gets to be too much, just remember, you can always come back!