We are passionate about teaching English but if you needed any more reasons to take a TEFL Course and become…
As an ESL teacher we spend a LOT of time scouring the web for resources. As many of you know,…
Let’s take a survey: Do you find yourself digging into your backpack and realizing that some parts of your class…
About 3 years ago I accepted a wonderful position as the head English Teacher at a sleep-away summer camp for…
Madrid is a beautiful city with much to offer however if you’re looking for an escape from all of…
8 Things That Happen When You Return To the States After Living In Spain When I first ventured to Spain…
How difficult could it be? What should you expect if you are a non-native English speaker doing a TEFL course…
How to sell yourself as a TEFL teacher in Spain Have you ever wondered how to get more high quality…
Once I finished my TEFL program here in Madrid, I had to think of some life saving activities that could…
The Best of Madrid Food As much time as I have spent teaching English in Madrid; I have spent an…