
Top 5 ESL activities to teach grammar - TtMadrid
Top 5 ESL activities to teach grammar

Teaching grammar is essential in ESL but is not always the most exciting for students. The TtMadrid team always has…

Group of students
Teaching English in Madrid: 2020 and Coronavirus
In March 2020 the world changed in a heartbeat. COVID-19 went from being a faraway health emergency on the news...
Palacio Real - Teach English in Spain
Madrid Summer Plans 2020

With Madrid getting a hang of the New Normal, there are a lot of activities happening in the city over…

How TtMadrid will set you up to teach English online
How TtMadrid will set you up to teach English online

Online learning has positively changed the TEFL market post COVID 19 and it seems like this trend is here to…

The New Normal in Madrid
The New Normal in Madrid

At long last, Madrid has re-opened and what we now call “La Nueva Normalidad” (the New Normal) has taken full…

Teaching English online
Is the future of teaching English online?

In a lot of countries, quarantine has been going on for about a month and we’re not exactly sure if…